Man versus Horse 14th June 2014

Unfortunately for all horses reading this, entries are now closed for the annual Man versus Horse marathon on June 14th at LLanwrtyd Wells . Happily entries for people are still open but filling fast. Paul Bouston wondered whether there would be much interest in a group heading to  Llanwrtyd Wells to either run the 24 miles solo or as part of a relay team of three? If so let Paul know on Facebook ar at the club in the next week .

If you want to get a flavour take a look at this film shot by Black Beauty

To enter go to
Individual entry is £25
Relay is £60 per team
The race is over 24 miles muti-terrain. It's well marshalled and sign posted. Water stops approx every 3 miles. The event fee includes pasta party the night before, race medal on finishing, chipped timing and refreshments at the finish.