South Wye Police Boxing Academy teams up with Wye Valley Runners.

Dedicated to their sports, both clubs recognise how important fitness is to our physical and mental well-being.

Vince McNally - Club Secretary and Gym Manager at the Boxing Academy said " We are excited to have teamed up with Wye Valley Runners. By sending our club members to Wye Valley training events, we know they will improve their strength and cardiovascular fitness. This will help them to become even better boxers and expose them to a slightly different training regime - it's a win/win for both clubs"

Paddy Nugent - Chair of Wye Valley Runners explained " Teaming up with South Wye Police Boxing Academy is a great new initiative for our club, we look forward to welcoming the team from the Boxing Academy and learning new techniques from them on how we can improve our strength and conditioning"

Get in touch with the Boxing Academy here: and Wye Valley Runners here: